(set:$center to (align:"=><="))(set:$bold to (text-style:"bold"))(set:$under to (text-style:"underline"))(set:$strike to (text-style:"strike"))(set:$shadow to (text-style:"shadow"))(set:$shudder to (text-style:"shudder"))You have a strange heady feeling in your head. As if you're experiencing the comedown of particularly strong coffee or energy drink. Yet, it's as if you took a nice shower, as you feel soothed and somewhat healthy.
(if:$resets > 3)[
$center[$under[$bold[Do you have a headache? Don't worry about it.]]]]\
Actually, perhaps you don't have this feeling at all. Perhaps you're dreaming. That would explain the surrealness you sense in the world.
(if:$resets > 5)[
$center[$under[$bold[You are stuck in your own head.]]]]\
But what was the world?
(if:$resets > 7)[
$center[$under[$bold[It's all a fever dream, incomprehensible.]]]]\
Oh yes, you're in a dark room. Completely dark. You cannot see a thing.
And yet, you know with full knowledge what is in this room.
(if:$resets > 10)[
$center[$under[$bold[How long will you stay here?]]]]\
$center[There is a [[book]], a [[bell]] and a [[candle]].]
"Object Endings" so far: [$burning, $pleasure, $athome,] [$iamanimal, $humansoveranimals, $school, $nuke, $englishSupremacy,] [$yellowjournalism, $noyellowjournalism, $censorship,] -->
(if: $endings is 1)[Endings you have unlocked:]\
(if: $school is 1 and $athome is 1)[(if:$yellowjournalism is 1 or $noyellowjournalism is 1 or $censorship is 1)[(set:$endings to 1)[[Student]] Requirements: Hear the bell for school, be comforted by the candle, and get any BOOK ending.]\
(if: $nuke is 1 and $athome is 1 and $yellowjournalism)[(set:$endings to 1)[[Ignorant]] Requirements: Hear the sirens, be comforted by the candle, and accept tabloids as truth.
(if: $nuke is 1 and $burning is 1 and $noyellowjournalism)[(set:$endings to 1)[[Chaos]] Requirements: Hear the sirens, burn in a fire, and reject tabloids as truth.
(if: $nuke is 1 and $pleasure is 1 and $yellowjournalism)[(set:$endings to 1)[[Ignorant Chaos]] Requirements: Hear the sirens, experience heaven, and accept tabloids as truth.
(if: $iamanimal is 1 and $athome is 1 and $noyellowjournalism)[(set:$endings to 1)[[Wasting]] Requirements: Consider yourself an animal, be comforted by the candle, and reject tabloids as truth.
(if: $iamanimal is 1 and $athome is 1 and $yellowjournalism)[(set:$endings to 1)[[Naive]] Requirements: Consider yourself an animal, be comforted by the candle, and accept tabloids as truth.
(if: $humansoveranimals is 1 and $burning is 1 and $yellowjournalism is 1)[(set:$endings to 1)[[Burning Animals|Burning Animals]] Requirements: See humans over "animals", burn in a fire, and accept tabloids as truth.
(if: $humansoveranimals is 1 and $burning is 1 and $censorship is 1)[(set:$endings to 1)[[Humanity]] Requirements: See humans over "animals", burn in a fire, and find a censored book.
(if: $englishSupremacy is 1 and $burning is 1 and $yellowjournalism is 1)[(set:$endings to 1)[[Burning Lingua Franca|Burning Lingua Franca]] Requirements: Call non-English speakers "animals", burn in a fire, and accept tabloids as truth.
(if: $englishSupremacy is 1 and $pleasure is 1 and $yellowjournalism is 1)[(set:$endings to 1)[[American Paradise|American Paradise]] Requirements: Call non-English speakers "animals", experience heaven, and accept tabloids as truth.
(if:$endings is 1)[(if:$reload is 0)[(event:when time > 1)[(set:$reload to 1)(go-to:"Beginning")]](if:$completion is 11)[You have unlocked and seen every ending.
[[Author's Notes]]]]The book is really...
<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Ed9Ogm-N1HtQLGGSRPjj_Dh4iFQgzyWE5x4oPQQ0afXluTTNqc_wHpFwJxKW_UpaiHBc8dK6rGjre9D7lfHpbrAA" style="width:50%;">
[[a single page.]]A bell...
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/db/31/15/db31156ed20bbd6ffedd90161eeecdf9.jpg" style="width:50%;">
[[which seemed to ring on its own.]]
[[which is meant to be hung on an animal.]]The candle...
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTFKmtDmdwq-jn-Dtjv32ki6ymBcORyw6XgOyRRZlZa64LVbzRm7qlnXTfdeBW-m-T2zr0&usqp=CAU" style="width:50%;">
[[smelled amazing.]]
[[gave off a resolute flame.]]$center[It smelled amazing. Like subtle honey and crushed flowers in the wind.
The pleasure is indescribable. You feel like you're in heaven.
So pleasurable in fact, that you forget where you were.
(set:$pleasure to 1)(set:$resets to it + 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]]The flame...
[[grew larger.]]
[[warmed me right up.]](event:when time > 2s)[The flame, so large, began to break out of its container.]
(event:when time > 5s)[<img src="https://www.flameretardants-online.com/images/itempics/6/9/2/item_18296_pic_1_orig.jpg" alt="picture of raging flames" style="width:95%;">]
(event:when time > 7s)[$shadow[It burns it hurts itburns it itrages it...]]
(event:when time > 11s)[You calm down and breathe slowly. You are in a room. Yes. You are in a room. It was a dark room before and it can be a dark room again. In fact, it is a dark room again.]
(event:when time > 18s)[(set:$resets to it + 1)(set: $burning to 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]]The candle, despite it's small size, leaves you warm and comfortable.
It purifies the empty room and makes you feel at home.
You begin to smell like smoke. You also may have a tan going on.
(set:$athome to 1)(set:$resets to it + 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]The book is a...
[[book with many pages removed.]]The manifesto reads:
$bold[$under[$center[Dream Manifesto]]]
Sigmund Freud once said that dreams are a way for what is "repressed" in one's waking life to show through. Though, to get through the "censor" of the mind, it must be cloaked in metaphor or symbolism. After being cloaked, it can easily appear through our dreams.
For example, a student of Freud's once asked him why he saw a Roman soldier in his dreams. By analyzing his history, Freud then interpreted that the student was questioning his sexuality and grew up with a very strict father. The student saw Roman soldiers as both sexually free and serious. Thus, Freud showed that Roman Soldiers in the student's dreams were a combined repression of his dad's strictness with his own desire to figure out his sexuality.
$strike[Perhaps, as your dream, I might impose my beliefs on you. I apologize about that.]
It is my goal as the dream to show you what you are truly thinking about, become visible.
(event:when time > 20s)[(set: $resets to it + 1)$center[You are tired, perhaps too tired to remember this.
[[A dark room|Beginning]]]]You read the list of instructions:
$center[$bold[$under[Instructions to the Dreamer:]]]
-You will be teleported into a dark room.
-You will sense the potentials and possibilites of every item in said room.
-You will pick your path.
-Your world will be interpreted.
-Dreams are never random.
(set:$resets to it + 1)$center[[[Teleport into a dark room|Beginning]]]$center[You read the rules.]
$center[$bold[$under[Dream Rules]]]
-After you find out what an object can be, you may use it for an "ending."
-Unlocked "endings" require every object to be completed in some way.
-Only certain combinations of completed objects create an ending.
-There is something I will interpret about you.
(set:$resets to it + 1)$center[[[A dark room|Beginning]]]...
[[A manifesto.]]
A list.
(click:"list")[The single page has rows and rows of bullet points and dashes followed by words. Upon inspection, you find that the list is a...
[[list of instructions.]]
[[list of rules.]]]What was it?
[[A schoolbell!]]
[[An alarm!]]But what is an animal?
[[I am an animal.]]
[[Animals are things like cows.]]Ah, so you recognize there is perhaps not much difference between you and some of the other sentient things on this world.
Power to you.(set: $iamanimal to 1)
(set:$resets to it + 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]Like cows? What do you mean?
[[Animals are things that can't think.]]
[[Well, they can't speak English.]]
[[Well, they're not human.]]
[[Actually, bells are for anything or anyone.|Bells are for anyone or anything...]]Really? But it's been proven that animals can, in fact, think.
<img src="../images/animalConsciousness.png" width="80%">
[[Well, they can't speak English.]]
[[Well, they're not human.]]Then, perhaps you'd consider more than 80% of the population to be "animals"?
<a href="https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/how-many-people-speak-english-and-where-is-it-spoken"><img src="../images/GlobalEnglishSpeakers.png" alt=""></a>
[[No, actually...]]I suppose they aren't.(set: $humansoveranimals to 1)
(set:$resets to it + 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]Ah, yes, charming. I believe we've learned something new today about you.
Whether ironic or unironic, this is a choice, nonetheless. (set: $englishSupremacy to 1)
(set:$resets to it + 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]Then what animals are bells for?
[[Anything that isn't human.|Well, they're not human.]]
[[Bells are for anyone or anything...]]Ah, so you've finally humbled yourself down, recognized that there is perhaps not much difference between you and some of the other sentient things on this world.
Power to you.(set: $iamanimal to 1)
(set:$resets to it + 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]You look further into the magazine. It seems to be a [[tabloid]].
You wonder what tabloids are like in dreams.You ___'_ know what you are reading.
(set:$censorship to 1)(set:$resets to it + 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]Do you believe everything you read in the tabloid?
[[No]]$center[$shudder[Wake up
Wake up
Wake UP
Wake up
Wake up
Wake UP
Wake up
Wake up
Wake UP
Wake up
Wake up
Wake UP
Wake up
Wake up
Wake UP
Wake up
Wake up
Wake UP]
(event:when time > 10s)[(set:$resets to it + 1)(set:$yellowjournalism to 1)[[Wake up|Beginning]]]]Perhaps that's for the best. (set:$noyellowjournalism to 1)
(set:$resets to it + 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]And what is the difference between you and an animal?
A lot. They seem to be a lot more advanced than you.
For one, animals know not to mess with fire.
Secondly, animals don't believe in tabloids.
You're about to walk into fire, wake up.
(if:$burninganimals is 0)[(set:$burninganimals to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]Your superior language and love of the sensationalized will lead to your fiery demise.
Wake up.
(if:$burninglinguafranca is 0)[(set:$burninglinguafranca to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]Ah, a true patriot, aren't you? What's America but English, pleasure, and tabloids?
You must be in heaven right now, huh?
Pure bliss.
They say ignorance is bliss, right?
(if:$burninglinguafranca is 0)[(set:$burninglinguafranca to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]Ah yes, it was a schoolbell!
In fact, it was the bell indicating that class was over for the day. You grab your papers and get ready to leave.
(event: when time > 12s)[It's then that you realized that were not really at school.
As you stare down the hallway, the lockers appear to go on forever.
You are stuck here.
(set:$school to 1)(set:$resets to it + 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]]An alarm!
Perhaps a siren!
You hear a wailing!
As you look up, you see a jet fly by.
In the distance you see...
a mushroom.
<img src="https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_crop,h_1345,w_2000,x_0,y_0/v1555949079/shape/mentalfloss/581049-mesut_zengin-istock-1138195821.jpg?itok=DoSFti67" style="width:100%;">
You wait for oblivion.
(set:$nuke to 1)(set:$resets to 1)[[A dark room|Beginning]]-This is my first attempt at horror! I wrote it while my right arm was in minor pain, I was recovering from food poisoning, and crashing from an energy supplement. This all likely combined to create a really sour mood and vital inspiration.
-The biggest inspiration for this story comes from <a href="https://thenewinquiry.com/book-of-lamentations/">this article.</a> The article is a reading of a medical manual of "disorders" as if it were a strangely written dystopian novel. It largely critiques monotone, doctorly writing and the lack consideration of what the patient might be thinking in each of these conditions. It implied to me that perhaps doctors seek too hard to inflict "disorders" on people when we do not know the patient's reasons.
-As a secondary inspiration, I've been thinking a lot about Susan Sontag's "Against Interpretation", an essay that questions whether we ruin art by always asking "what it's trying to say" or moving straight to the "content". I consider dreams in a similar vein, although I like to put up possible interpretations, I believe not everything can be interpreted by us. It is random as of now. However, the controller of this game's "dream" seeks to impose interpretation, much to the player's horror.
-My biggest belief in horror is that it can be created from uncertainty. I wasn't even certain how this game would turn out. I feel like this puts a constant stress and almost negative vibe on every element. In other words, perhaps my uncertainty was productive.
-This game has almost nothing to do with the popular mobile game, "A Dark Room". However, I have played that game in its entirety, and largely recommend it. And it's free. It's not a horror game but more like a story that revolves around keeping a fire lit.
-This game being horror might have been subconsciously inspired by my overwhelmingly positive experience with "Omori", a half-cute-RPG half-horror-game that fascinated me with its presentation. Highly recommend it, especially when it eventually comes out on Switch.
[[A dark room|Beginning]](event: when time < 10s)[Interesting. So you saw humanity as superior to _______ yet you found an example of a ___ invention by humans: __________.
(event: when time > 10s)[The committee wanted to let me you know to congratulate you on your choices! You got a perfect score!]
(if:$humanity is 0)[(set:$humanity to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]Why are you here?
There's nothing wrong with you.
Nothing repressed for you to show through your dream.
So why even sleep?
No point.
Now get out of my office.
(if:$wasting is 0)[(set:$wasting to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]You just bend your head down and let everyone walk all over you, don't you?
Are you a child?
Not everything's true and not everyone is here to comfort you.
Grow up.
(if:$naive is 0)[(set:$naive to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]You are simply a student.
Worry about school, you should't be messing with video games, kid.
(if:$student is 0)[(set:$student to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]A nuke came but you never really noticed.
It all symbolizes a cataclysmic event that you will not foresee.
Get out of your safety bubble and stop believing everything you hear. You're being ignorant.
(if:$ignorant is 0)[(set:$ignorant to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]A cataclysmic event will strike you as you as you are recovering from another.
You will be completely conscious during all of it.
(if:$chaos is 0)[(set:$chaos to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]A cataclysmic event will strike you as you as you are recovering from another.
You will be completely ignorant to all of it.
(if:$igchaos is 0)[(set:$igchaos to 1)(set:$completion to it + 1)][[Get a different interpretation|Beginning]]